Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Floating A Question

Christopher Hitchens' latest addresses what's been a seeming contradiction in his philosophy.  He opposes Islamic religious fanatics and terrorists, but also supports the Palestinian cause, even though they often use the same tactics he abhors in others.  He would claim that the Palestinians he supports are not fascists, but are fighting against an oppressive state.  But even he has his limits, and he asks those who back the Gaza flotilla how can they support Hamas, a racist, terrorist organization, and how do they feel about coordination run out of Syria.

These and similiar questions should be asked.  Even if you think it's right to oppose Israel, this shouldn't mean any resistance is acceptable. Of course, Hitchens gets a lot of response from those who have no trouble with these points--it's all Israel's fault, somehow, and besided Hamas was elected (so that makes it okay, I guess).


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