Saturday, July 09, 2011

Leftover Leftover Vanity Plates

Yet another Lexus: GRATATT.  I'm guessing he has a grateful attitude, but it's possible he just loves his phone company.

DEUS X.  I guess we already know it's a machine.

BLK ARRW.  I don't think the car was black, by the way.

NEVADN2.  Really, then why is it a California plate?

BODRUM.  An exciting way to spell boredom?

RUAMUSD.  Maybe I'm smiling a little bit.

MOMOF 3.  Don't get pregnant or you'll need a new plate.

CW BUFF.  A fan of country and western?

TVBIZ3.  If you have to advertise, you can't be that important.

HB TDOG.  Maybe this has something to do with hamburgers and hot dogs, but somehow that doesn't feel right.


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