Monday, August 08, 2011

Fast And Cheap

I don't know if this is going on across the nation, but in L.A. on 8/8, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Burger King Whoppers are 88 cents.  So go outside and see if they have the same deal your local BK.  (I always like how certain offers are available at "participating" franchises.  Do they have a choice?  Can they opt out?)

I haven't been to Burger King in years.  Some time in the 90s they changed their fries so they were much worse and that was that.  I've checked and a Whopper is 670 calories.  I suppose one can't hurt.  (According to the same source, a Big Mac is 540 calories.  I wouldn't have guessed that.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some franchisees just refuse to get with the program. "So you think I'll charge 88 cents for my Whoppers? Just for that, for one day I'm going to charge $8.88!!!"

12:16 AM, August 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well its a matter of taste- I actually like Bk fries but find I can't eat too many of them without feeling full (maybe this is a good thing?) I also like McD's fries but the 2 kinds of fries almost seem like two different foods. I would say the same thing about the burgers- both have distinctive tastes- the BK burgers (whatever char broil taste they have) taste more like burgers on the grill but McD's have their own very distinctive taste and aroma - not really comparable to most beef but a tasty snack nonetheless.

5:55 AM, August 08, 2011  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

I think BK, McD and Wendy's have really succeeded in having distinguishable products. If I just wanted to have fries, i would have to go to McDonalds. I have heard they spray the fries with meat flavor crystals, so that may be the secret. But Bk's are fine. I never liked Wendy's, but they improved them about a year ago, and they are better, But Wendy's let's me get a baked potato instead, so I still go there, because their burgers, for me, are most reminiscent of the FGBs (Flat Grey Burgers) I remember from youth at greasy spoons.

BK's burger is certainly the closest to home cooked on the grill. McDonald's has a distinctive flavor, often too much pepper for my taste.

P.S. Liked my first In & Out burger a few months ago, but their key, I'm convinced, is the toasted bun.

8:08 AM, August 08, 2011  
Blogger LAGuy said...

It's funny you would say that about Wendy's fries, since I heard they had new fries so I tried them once just to see, and thought they ruined them, just like BK did many years ago.

10:52 AM, August 08, 2011  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

Well, I still generally avoid Wendy's fries, but I still think they are kind of pasty (if that makes sense). I suppose my main complaint is they are thicker - I like fries that are more like a potato chip. But that's me.

2:09 PM, August 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like fries that still have potato skin on them. I eat fries for taste, not "authenticity".

2:34 PM, August 08, 2011  

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