Thursday, September 27, 2012

Vote Veto

According to estimates, early votes will account for over a third of the total in our Presidential election.  Why isn't this a scandal?

If you can prove you can't make it to the polls on election day, I can maybe see how the state would allow an early ballot, but otherwise everyone should be voting at the same time.  We should wait till all the evidence is in and our minds are collectively concentrated.

I suppose most of the early voters wouldn't change their preference anyway, but elections should mean something rather than be the cutoff point of a months-long auction.  Or maybe we should go the whole way.  Let's just have four-year voting.  You only get one ballot, but you can cast it any time you like.  I bet Hillary Clinton would have liked that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soon enough we'll be voting on our government issued phones. The Republicans will always run Emmanuel Goldstein.

I wonder what it will be like with the Republicans being the designated losing party? The 1970's, I suppose. In a best-case scenario.

3:42 AM, September 27, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Early/late voting is an issue like voter registration and the filibuster- principled opposition (or support) is based solely on the results

1:04 PM, September 27, 2012  

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