Big Night
We'll have the final presidential debate tonight. The Washington Post suggests it'll be pivotal, but I doubt it. First, the candidates have created strong impressions from the first two debates that likely won't change short of some sort of meltdown. Second, this debate is about foreign policy, which is simply not as pressing as domestic issues right now.
As the race comes down to these final days, I only hope the polls stay close. For a while there it looked like it might be an easy victory for Obama, and it brought back memories of how boring it was four years ago when election night was over before it began. I just want some excitement.
We'll likely have a pretty good idea who'll win when the eastern states come in--Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio (not to mention New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Michigan). But at least before then both sides can hope. And who knows, it could even be a late-night race that comes down to Colorado and Nevada.
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