Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dark Park

I've been watching 666 Park Avenue, mostly because it features the wonderful Terry O'Quinn. The show has a weird concept, sort of a weekly Rosemary's Baby.

O'Quinn plays Gavin Doran, owner of the Drake building, located in New York at the titular address (sort of).  It's a residence where all kinds of strange things seem to be happening.  In the pilot, he hires young couple Henry and Jane to manage the building, but he's clearly got ulterior motives.

Jane is a perky thing who snoops around and discovers how strange the building and its residents are.  She also has vivid dreams of horrible things that happen there.  Henry, meanwhile, has political ambitions, which Gavin encourages.  In general, Jane and Henry become good friends of upscale Gavin and his wife, Olivia, played by Vanessa Williams.

Meanwhile, each episode features other residents ensnared in Gavin's web.  He gives them special gifts or powers but at a high price, often death.  It's pretty clear Gavin is the devil, or at least an agent of evil.  It's not entirely clear why he's cultivating Henry, though it seems likely he wants to exploit him for potential political power. (Which makes you wonder why bother when Gavin has so much magical power himself.)

A little more is revealed each week, though how they can keep it up I'm not sure. Either the main story comes out or it doesn't.  Perhaps the show will settle into a reverse Fantasy Island, with new characters each week learning deadly lessons about their dreams coming true. O'Quinn is good playing the bad guy (as he showed in the final season of Lost), but unless things pick up, I'm checking out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped watching Hawaii 5-0 over thaty self-important bald dude and can't imagine tuning for more of his self-satisfied mugging

7:11 AM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Did you ever see him in Lost?

10:25 AM, October 28, 2012  

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