Thursday, May 02, 2013

No Mas

Today the Rolling Stones start their  "50 And Counting Tour" in Los Angeles.  Other institutions might brag about how long they've lasted, but is this really a good thing in rock and roll?

The Stones are a classic band, about as good as it gets.  But lately?  I don't think I'd consider going to one of their concerts these days, but if I did, they'd first have to promise they wouldn't play any songs that are less than thirty years old. In fact, make that thirty-five, going on forty.

I saw "The World's Greatest Rock And Roll Band" over twenty years ago. I thought they were tired, but I figured I should go since this might be the last time I'd get a chance to see them live.  Guess I underestimated Mick's vigor.  And his fans' masochism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naw- Undercover was some of their best. Iggy Pop was interviewed on NPR this morning and his and the Stooges' financial strategy is not to plan on making any money in the short term- people will say it sucks for 5 or so years but after 10, they'll change their mind and start reeling them in (the nostalgia gland?) though at his advanced age (a spry 66) he is hoping to somewhat shorten the time line. Iggy and Mick and the living Stones seem to prove that if they are damn near roaches-after-th- apocalypse indestructible

6:53 AM, May 02, 2013  
Blogger LAGuy said...

I think their last really good album was Some Girls, and that was a bit of a comeback after a few weak ones. Since then the occasional song is okay, but if I had to make a list of their top 25 tunes, none of them would make it.

I don't particularly like Undercover but even if you want to make a case for it let's remember it was released 30 years ago.

10:53 AM, May 02, 2013  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

"She's So Cold" is definitely in their top ten. But that's the only song since Some Girls that belongs in the top 25.

3:24 PM, May 02, 2013  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

The flip side is that it's been a long time since they made any certifiably awful songs, like "Emotional Rescue" and "State of Shock". When bands get old, their stuff doesn't become awful -- just forgettable.

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon with old bands. They play tracks from their newest album, and their classic stuff. Next tour, they play tracks from their even newer album, and their classic stuff. And so forth. But the fact that they don't play anything from their newest-but-one album is a sign that even they know these recent albums are duds.

3:28 PM, May 02, 2013  

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