Friday, February 28, 2020

She'll Take Manhattan

I just read Roz Chast's Going Into Town: A Love Letter To New York.  It's cartoonist Chast's idiosyncratic guide to New York City (mostly Manhattan).  While not exactly a cartoon book, it is copiously illustrated, so fans will be pleased.

It's essentially a guidebook Chast created for her kids who grew up in the suburbs.  She figures people who don't know the city need advice to get around and enjoy everything the city has to offer.

Various chapters discuss things such as how the city is laid out (mostly a grid), the fun stuff you see just walking around, how to deal with the subway, what the apartments are like, and so on.

It can be read as a collection of quirky musings and delightful cartoons, or it can actually be used as a helpful (if limited) guide to those from out of town.  Either way, worth checking out.


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