Sunday, June 07, 2020

Bad News

Hello, I'm from Los Angeles, but I'm not LA Guy.  However, he has graciously allowed me to write a little piece.

I saw this at the twitter feed of Asymmetric info.  One guy, Greg Sargent, who I don't know, tweeted "Awful new polling for Trump.  Only 32% approve of handling of George Floyd aftermath.  74% think Floyd killing shows broader problem in police treatment of blacks.  57% say police likely to use deadly force against blacks."  And this is retweet by a guy named Will McAvoy, who says "Things are changing quickly."

I don't get why they think this is bad for Trump?  Or even why things are changing.  For a long time Americans have felt that blacks have trouble with cops. It may figure they feel it a little more strongly at present, but it's not a major change if it's a change at all.  And as for them not approving of how Trump handled it, it's because so many believe Trump was feckless, hiding in his basement, rather than sending in the Marines.

The vast majority of Americans were horrified when they saw the George Floyd video, including Trump.  They have a lot of sympathy for the cause of better treatment by the cops.  Yet here's what they don't like.

They don't like looting and violence.

They don't like excuses for looting and violence.

They don't like giving millions in charity to bail out arsonists and murderers.

They don't like endless marches that block traffic and hearing people shout "No justice no peace!"

They don't like people disrespecting the American flag.

They don't like hearing America is irreparably and systematically racist.

They don't like giving money to groups that organize more marches.

They don't like people telling them to shut up and do what they say.

They don't like defunding the police.

They don't like trying to undermine Western Civilization and capitalism.

Yet these are all stances on the left today, stances that Biden has trouble disavowing.  So tell me again why this is bad news for Trump?


Anonymous Denver Guy said...

On top of that, most American, I believe, understand that the US President, indeed the entire Federal Government, has very little to do with the formation, training or management of police forces across thousands of independent cities, each with its own mayor and city council. The most any Federal authority can do is bring civil rights charges against someone who had an intent to violate someone's civil rights.

We'll see how Trump's numbers do heading into the Fall. I'm not a big fan of Trump (or any but a few politicians on any side of the aisle), but I don't see the protests, riots or even the pandemic changing many points of view. By November, the question for the slice of undecided voters will be has the economy recovered and/or has there been a second lock-down due to Corona Virus infections.

9:27 AM, June 08, 2020  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your they's are the 35% Trump Rump

4:46 PM, June 08, 2020  

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