Sunday, July 05, 2020

Wait A Minute

Did you ever notice when a business or college puts out a statement prefaced with how tolerant they are, they're always about to kick someone out?


Anonymous Lawrence King said...

Very true. But isn't this part of a larger rule: when someone is about to do something nasty, they use rhetoric that says the opposite of what they intend?

"It's none of my business, but ...."

3:53 PM, July 05, 2020  
Blogger LAGuy said...

But in the specific cases I'm thinking of, they're not trying to soften the blow, or pretend they're something they're not. The very tolerance they claim to believe in is why some person has to go--because this person wasn't tolerant enough for them. It's the same as when they note they're an inclusive institution--which means they exclude anyone who doesn't follow their rules.

10:42 PM, July 05, 2020  

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