Monday, June 15, 2020

In The Arena

The Arena Cinelounge, a one-screen cinema just up my block, will be the first movie theatre to reopen in Los Angeles.  I'm glad to hear they've got that underdog spirit, but it's still an odd story.

I love the Arena Cinelounge.  They play real independent films--not those indie films that get shown on a couple hundred screens across America, but films you never heard of that get almost no distribution.  I've been a regular since they opened at their current location.

But I just don't think people in L.A. are ready to return to their film-going habits.  And I would have guessed the Cinelounge would be the last place to reopen. The linked article tells us this:

Arena Cinelounge [...] will be in full compliance with public health protocols.  They will take important safety precautions such as a new air purification system, seat disinfecting between screenings, socially distanced seating and concessions specially packaged for contactless delivery.

The Cinelounge is the smallest theatre around.  The seats are very comfortable, but there are less than fifty in the house.  With "socially distanced seating" how many can attend a showing?  Five?  Ten?

They probably won't get that many, anyway,  Or maybe they'll get five or ten people who made the film.  I long for the days we can go to the movies again, but I fear this won't be the start of something big.


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