Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Senator Censor

So Senator Ted Stevens wants to apply "decency" standards to cable TV and satellite TV and radio. Salivating at the chance to spread censorship, he predictably claims "no one wants censorship." He believes "there must be some standard of decency." Sure, Ted--and that's for the people (including parents) individually to decide, as they already do with books, magazines, etc.

In the regrettable 5-4 decision, FCC v. Pacifica, which allowed government to regulate "indecency" on the airwaves (as a standard separate from obscenity), part of the argument was it's okay to ban a George Carlin routine from radio since you could always buy his album. But apparently Senator Stevens wants to chase down bad stuff wherever it appears to make it harder and harder to find alternatives.

Cable TV and satellite TV and radio, much like renting a movie or buying an album, means paying money to bring something into your home. Following the Senator's logic, I guess we should also..actually, I better stop. It's just going to give him ideas to censor even more.


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