Sunday, May 29, 2005

Recency bias

Rented the Team America dvd as a backup. ColumbusGal despises most such things, though she did consent to see it with me in the theater and couldn't stop herself from laughing at the Hans Brix scene.

Personally, my favorite line was, "You have to act quickly, Gary."

Anyway, I indeed had a chance to watch it--I'm really enjoying my holiday weekend, even thinking of the dead troops from time to time--and the line about Alec Baldwin being America's greatest living actor is the best since Saving Silverman's line about Neil Diamond being America's greatest living songwriter.

So guess who's reading the second story on today's Selected Shorts? That's right: Alec Baldwin. I think this means something. I should play the lottery today. Any ideas for an algorithm to translate his name into numbers?

We also saw The Longest Yard last night, at the drive-in, no less. We southern Ohio hillbillies are Sandler's people.

But I have to say, it was awful. I hope it does well for him, just because we like him, but the first half was a complete mush, and they just couldn't decide what they wanted to do--typical Sandler comedy? An homage to Burt? A bit of drama? It felt like they assigned a series of vignettes to dozen high school seniors, then pasted them all together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt Damon!

1:20 PM, May 29, 2005  

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