Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Slippin' us a Mickey

Mickey Kaus is most always worth a gander. Now he's telling us we should eliminate states and just have a national government. Why? Because UPS could fire everyone in its Cincinnati office. I'm not kidding:

We'd be better off if we were more like UPS.

Yes, we'd be better off if we were more like UPS while they're succeeding, just like we'd be better off if we were more like, while they're succeeding, Walmart, Microsoft, IBM, General Motors (oops! Cancel that one! Mickey don't like'em! (Double Oops! Put 'em back on the list, 'cause Mickey himself uses General Motors as a good example of why we'd better off to make our government just like 'em, even though he don't like 'em)).

Mickey ain't thinkin' on this one. After all, he's not writing much about Mississippi or Florida, is he? Just po' little Nahlons. Would we be better off putting all our government eggs into one basket? What if Nagin or Blanco were in charge of it?

But, you know what? On second thought, I think Mickey's right. In fact, he's thinking too small and parochially. We should just get rid of Washington. I'm not much of a fan of it and I doubt Mickey is, either. Let's put Kofi and Kojo in charge; then, Washington could be like the Pontiac division . . .

LAGuy Adds: I've never felt strongly about federalism one way or another. However, I've always thought an excellent way to cut down on government would be to have fewer states. But this is simply another fine idea that will never happen because Rhode Island doesn't want to combine with Connecticut, West Virginia doesn't want to be part of Virginia, and heaven help us if we had the states of Carolina and Dakota.

By the way, what is a Nahlons? I've usually seen it written as N'awlins.

Columbus Guy says: Well, sure, that's your basic Kalifornia accent you got going on there. Here in the Midwest, where they send news anchors to learn proper pronunciation, we pronounce it Nahlons.


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