Sunday, November 06, 2005

Whatever happened to . . . ?

. . . Treason?

RedState has an interesting piece on theWashPost report that the United States has secret terrorist jails in other countries. Leaving aside whether these people are being tortured. ( I don't want them to be.) Leaving also aside whether a WashPost reporter should report this story that will clearly hurt our country. (which is RedState's main focus) Because like that is so journalism 101; of course real journalists should do everything in their power to undermine their own country.

The real issue is that the CIA has become the leakiest ship on the high seas. And as far as I can tell our politicians are not too concerned. Isn't it treason or at least some major federal crime to leak classified information? There seem to be long term implications that will last long after Bush is gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got it backwards. Anyone leaking information about how the CIA is trying to destroy our war effort must be investigated until someone figures out what crime has been committed. On the other hand, the CIA trying to undermine any US policy by leaking classified information to newspapers who publish it on their front pages are just doing their patriotic duty.

8:00 PM, November 06, 2005  

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