Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm Just Sayin'

Lee Won-bok, a university professor in South Korea, has written a work in comic book format that's part of a best-selling series for Korean students called “Distant Countries and Neighboring Countries.”

The book says Jews control the U.S. media. It also claims that Koreans in America work hard "but in the end, always run into the wall called the Jews.”

Some people are outraged and he's now changing these particular passages, but sticks to his guns. As he puts it, "The Jews are the invisible force that controls the U.S.”

He claims he's not anti-Semitic but is merely saying things that are "commonly believed." He is correct that it's widely held that Jews either control American debate or have far too much say in it.

Welcome to world opinion. Now remind me why we're supposed to bow down to it?

Columbus Guy says: Geez. I thought it was the neocons.


Blogger QueensGuy said...

"What? I can't be antisemitic? Awww, but all the other kids at school are doing it!!"

4:30 AM, March 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A person I knew in math grad school, an extremely intelligent and educated guy from India, was completely convinced that "the Jews run the media in the USA," etc.

Now, this certainly wasn't characteristic of all Indians (I knew quite a few in grad school). But it made me think that perhaps America has built up certain cultural "defense mechanisms" against nutty ideas like this one that aren't present in other cultures.

Indeed, I have heard it suggested that one reason that much of the world believes the USA (and in particular our CIA) is all-powerful and all-eveil is simply that American movies have been telling them that for two decades. Our movies have been telling this to us, too, but we're inoculated to this and know its just entertainment.

12:14 PM, March 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, maybe half of us know it's just entertainment, if that's what you want to call it.

3:31 AM, March 02, 2007  

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