Thursday, April 19, 2007

While It Lasts

I used to watch sitcoms, now my three favorite shows are Lost*, House and The Sopranos. For the first time in a while, they're all presenting new episodes.

However, they'll run out (in The Sopranos case, permanently) in about a month and a half. I guess I should enjoy it while I can. If I only had the will power, I'd tape all the upcoming episodes and hold them to watch over the long, hot summer.

*Speaking of Lost, some have claimed the series is on its way out, pointing to a significant ratings drop. While I still think the producers should plan to end it at a date certain (either five or six seasons) to keep the show tight, there's no question it remains a hit. First, the ratings have stabilized (they even went up last week) and the show regularly ranks in the top 20. Second, it's one of the most popular shows internationally. Third, no network show sells as many DVDs. Fourth, and probably most important, it ranks very high (top ten) in the coveted 18-49 demographic--the only ABC show that does better on a regular basis is Desperate Housewives.


Blogger QueensGuy said...

You know what I found really tough to believe in the past two episodes of Lost? That Jack et al. just left the Others' uninhabited settlement empty-handed. I mean, the Others left behind no supplies worth carrying across the island? Heck, you've got a new girlfriend with the codes to the security system and some firearms of your own; how's about you just move everyone in and change the codes instead of still living on the freakin' beach eating the remains of the supplies that fell out of the sky?

8:33 AM, April 19, 2007  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Lost has always been full of characters who do odd things. The most obvious is they never seem to talk to each other to share information, or ask questions of people who can give them important answers. But there are plenty of little examples. For instance, when Hurley decides to lose weight, he starts throwing away all the Dharma food--hey buddy, there are 40 other people who might want to eat that stuff.

All these things are for dramatic purposes, of course, and sometimes the writers offer explanations after the fact. Maybe before the series is over, we'll find out about a nerve gas on the island that makes everyone slow on the uptake.

9:39 PM, April 19, 2007  

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