Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Until recently, I thought the idea that the building of a highway from Mexico to Canada is part of a plan to usurp American sovereignty was the province of right-wing crackpots, so I was surprised to see left-wingers buy it, too.

This is from an article in The Nation: "this NAFTA Superhighway, as it is called, is just the beginning, the first stage of a long, silent coup aimed at supplanting the sovereign United States with a multinational North American Union."

I guess it just goes to show you, politics isn't a spectrum, it's a circle, with the nuts on the right and left meeting where the ends tie together.


Blogger The Rascal said...

That quote from The Nation was sarcasm and satire. The article actually disputes the notion of a Nafta Superhighway.

6:48 AM, August 14, 2007  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Thanks for setting me straight, rascal (and everyone should go check out your blog).

However, the piece still traffics in the anti-globalism paranoia (ranting about fake threats like corporatism and the "neoliberal order") that gives rise to these crackpot theories.

11:04 AM, August 14, 2007  

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