Monday, October 22, 2007

Drug-Addled Rockers Relive Glory Days

CNN's Situation Room had David Crosby and Graham Nash on to talk (certainly not debate) politics. The dialogue is too predictable to reprint here (you know, they called Bush every name in the book because he scares people out of criticizing him) but one moment intrigued me.

It was when Crosby, who seems to be claiming we're the ones doing most of the killing in Iraq, and we do it for no particular reason except they're different from us, notes that people are making billions off the war. Well, David, it's like this--there's business being done there and most companies don't do things for free.

This might seem odd to you and Graham, but believe it or not, the millions you've made came from selling your music rather than giving it away. In fact, if I recall correctly, you both made a bunch of money off four dead kids in Ohio.

(PS The title of this post is obviously not saying they're on drugs, and I'm sorry if I implied they had that excuse.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two guys whose last brain cell was fried when Ford was President defending the anti-war position-- did the RNC stage this event. It can't be the DNC -they are too busy getting Rush to talk about 12 year old frauds

7:24 AM, October 22, 2007  

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