Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Someone sent me this. It told me something about voters I already knew, but don't like to think about.

But mostly it made me miss Howard Stern. For years he was a part of my life, and then he left free radio and I didn't follow. But if I ever did pay for it, it would be for a show like his. (Not that there are any other shows like his.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another piece that will make you despise the American electorate:

"Voting for Obama Anyway"

Monarchy has many, many flaws. Maybe we should start having some really smart people, including those who we would most expect to oppose monarchy (e.g., Reason), to begin a conversation on whether there is a way to "fix" monarchy and make it work fairly. It sounds impossible, but is it really any harder than fixing our republic would be?

9:14 AM, October 16, 2008  

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