Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Plot Thins

After watching Monday's episode, I must ask--what is going on with Heroes?

In the first season, Hiro was charmingly naive, but he wasn't an idiot. Now he screws up every time he turns around.

Noah Bennet (one of the too-few characters with no special powers) enters into a hornets' nest with the most ridiculous plan to get out.

Future Peter is nasty, boring, and for all his powers, can't think his way out of a paper bag.

Niki is gone and replaced with the less interesting Tracy, who has a less interesting superpower. (At least it looks like she might have an interesting origin story.)

Claire's real mom (who apparently doesn't need to breathe) has come back and turned into a bad-ass for no reason. (She also brought up waterboarding, which a comic book show like this can't handle.)

And now we've got a new character who paints the future just like Isaac did in season one--and it was boring then.

Heroes, come home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your every criticism is valid.

But on the plus side:

Nathan has become an enigma - he is either insane or haunted by the ghost of Linderman (I hope the latter because we need a villain to confront Mrs. Petrelli - a greater villain.

The process of turning Sylar into a "hero" as opposed to a villain will be compelling if handled right.

The Haitian is back and will likely be playing his own underground game.

Suresh was reduced to a voice-over in the last episode and may die (we can only hope).

Speedster girl replaces Hiro as source of light humor.

P.S. Some other problems:

How did Nikki die in a fire and still have a perfect face in the coffin?

How come Peter could use Jesse's ability, but none of his other panoply of abilities?

10:29 AM, October 01, 2008  

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