Friday, November 07, 2008

The Circular Firing Squad Is Locked And Loaded

Sorry for the indirect link, but FoxNews has either deleted or very thoroughly buried the video of their own reporter outing every nasty story McCain staffers now want to push about Gov. Palin on O'Reilly. Scroll past the HuffPo commentary and watch it for yourself. All of this presumably happened behind closed doors, so I don't know if we'll ever find out definitively whether she really was ignorant of Africa's status as a continent containing multiple countries rather than a single country. If she was, and you wanted a one sentence summary of why someone would be unqualified for VP, that would serve nicely.

But much of it is trivial, meanspirited and even sexist -- e.g. had a male candidate answered a hotel room door for his own campaign staff in a towel, with his spouse present, I'm certain it would not be a story worth repeating, let alone being "shocked" by. She's been a competitive athlete and has done sports reporting -- these things will make you more comfortable with folks in towels. If they were trying to make me sympathize with her and disbelieve anything the McCain staffers say, this is a pretty damn good place to start. Plus the clothing thing is beyond played out. I've got to admit though, "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman-Marcus from coast to coast" is a pretty funny line.


Blogger New England Guy said...

Gee QG- They are making a royal mess, just sit back and enjoy the fireworks

7:31 AM, November 07, 2008  
Blogger VermontGuy said...

When asked to comment, President-Elect Obama said "I'm not sure about this; maybe we could ask Nancy Reagan to hold a seance for us and figure it out. Besides, I'm still trying to do the math on how many of the 57 states I won."

5:24 PM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Republican staffers have done the impossible -- made me actually sympathize with Sarah Palin! They're more Machiavellian than I even thought! Palin in '12

6:10 PM, November 08, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

I've got about a dozen ideas for how Palin is the political re-incarnation of Bush, but I'll save them for a few years so they'll seem fresh and innovative in 2011.

9:09 AM, November 09, 2008  
Blogger VermontGuy said...

Great. That'll be just about the time Adlai Stev- er, Barack Obama leaves office.

11:29 AM, November 09, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

Ok, I've been puzzling over your Adlai Stevenson line for a couple of days. The only analogies I can come up with are: Illinois liberals, great speakers, photos of them with holes in their soles. Was it anything more than that?

7:48 AM, November 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're leaving out ineffectual and thought to be brilliant without any real evidence.

7:54 AM, November 10, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

I've got 365 reasons in mind why those don't fly, anon. Unlike Stevenson, Obama has demonstrated that he can run a masterful campaign and a drum-tight campaign organization. Calling him ineffectual now is some hardcore wishful thinking.

8:58 AM, November 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention, he's actually President.

9:29 AM, November 10, 2008  
Blogger VermontGuy said...

Ok, I've been puzzling over your Adlai Stevenson line for a couple of days. The only analogies I can come up with are: Illinois liberals, great speakers, photos of them with holes in their soles. Was it anything more than that

All of the above - well, not the hole in the soles part - plus, Harvard Lawyer, Intellectual plus - and I don't mean this in a McChimpyBushHitler way - "Egghead".

Obama has this intelligence vibe going for him but it's not a real world, been there, done that kind of thing, it's a book-learned, classroom thing. You know what I mean?

He comes across as a teacher, which in and of itself is not a bad thing for a President, but it's not necessarily a good thing, either.

5:53 PM, November 10, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

There's a famous picture of Stevenson with a hole in his shoe, which he made a campaign symbol intending to show that he was a common man, rather than an elitist. Didn't work out so well. I doubt many of the bloggers who picked up on this saw the parallel. Made me cringe at the time, though.

Obama has this intelligence vibe going for him but it's not a real world, been there, done that kind of thing, it's a book-learned, classroom thing. You know what I mean?

Yeah, I do. That's why I was glad to see him pick a street-smart fixer like Rahm Emmanuel for his Chief of Staff. It's like he read the histories of the Clinton and Carter administration transitions and said "well, I may screw things up, but I'm not going to screw them up the very same way you two did."

8:11 PM, November 10, 2008  

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