Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Recently some old videos (here's one) have surfaced showing Obama--and other Democrats--saying they support single payer health care, and how the public option is part of the transition.

So how does the White House respond to these videos? Well, they know a goverment takeover of the health care system is unpopular, and so have released a three-minute video rebuttal. It spends about a minute saying their opponents are liars, so I figured they must have something good. They got nothing.

They just show two recent clips of President Obama using his canned lines about not cutting options. Yes, we know he's saying this. He's trying to sell his proposal--what else would he say? If they have any old video, from before he was President, where he says he doesn't want single payer, then I'd be impressed. But then, if they had that, they'd be showing it, wouldn't they?


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