Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Weeds: Not Smokin'

Weeds just completed its fifth and weakest season. It's a little strange for me to be criticizing it since I was never a fan to begin with. But at least there was some life in the original set-up of recently widowed mother, Nancy Botwin, trying to keep up appearances and her middle-class lifestyle by selling weed. The show, however, left its roots far behind a couple seasons ago.

The main plot this season was Nancy having a romance--and a child--with Mexican drug lord and mayor Esteban Reyes. Esteban is the dullest, most pointless character the show has ever had. Introducing him was a mistake, but building an entire season around him was a disaster.

The show will have a sixth season, but they've thrown out whatever it is they had, and don't seem capable of finding a replacement storyline that works.


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