Saturday, November 21, 2009

Think Before You Speak

Responding to the Ft. Hood massacre, General George Casey said "Our diversity ... is a strength." Ann Coulter takes him to task for what amounts to, at best, an inapposite statement. She goes on to state, after listing a bunch of violent conflicts between two peoples sharing the same land, "'Diversity' is a difficulty to be overcome, not an advantage to be sought. "

As often with Coulter, underneath the invective, there's a decent point which she takes too far. "Diversity is our strength" is a mindless statement. In some cases diversity is good, in some cases it isn't. More important, it's become a code word meaning a whole bunch of things, but not necessarily diversity.

"Unity is our strength" could also be a good motto. In some situations. But if you said it no matter what, it would be pointless.


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