Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Name Game

If you want to see how big you are (if you're big), Google will let you know.

For instance, let's say I want to Google "Megan Fox." I assume she's the biggest Megan around these days.

So I type in M. What appears in drop-down as potential choices?

Myspace (that was a surprise, I'll admit, as #1), Mapquest, MSN, Megans in sight with any surname.

Okay, M-E.

Mega millions, Metro pcs, Menards (really?), Megan Fox...hey, she made it! Only two letters, Pretty good. Let's see how long it takes for her to be first. (Looks like Mega Millions will be blocking for a while).

Sure enough, M-E-G and M-E-G-A don't do it, but she's on top for M-E-G-A-N. Not bad, Enjoy it while you can.

Let's try Brad Pitt.

B: Bank Of America, Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond.

B-R: Bravo, British Airways,, Brett Favre, Britney Spears

B-R-A: Bravo, Brainpop, Brandsmart, Brain Teasers, Brad Pitt!

B-R-A-D: Brad Pitt. (Bradley Cooper is third and moving up.)

PS. I needed P-A-J-A-M-A-G-U to get Pajama Guy.


Blogger New England Guy said...

I did my own name and (no surprise) never got to me although I did get to a veteran character actor/extra who apparently was frequently in the background in the Crabshack on My Name Is Earl.

I don't think we'll ever be mistaken for each other

4:17 AM, December 09, 2009  

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