Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Vanity Plate Of The Month

Saw two differents BMWs. One said MRC. It might mean a lot of things, but it tells me this guy is Mr. Cool. The other said USHWY61. A Dylan fan, perhaps?

Saw a C 999 A and an R H20 W. Is the CA for California and the number the highest he could think of? In the second, H20 is water, but RW, I don't know.

There was a MCHABBY. Is he part happy, part shabby?

One van had MAJORS. So don't look inside, no minors.

Saw a sleek yellow sports car with NOX. Was there not enough room for OBNOXIOUS?

Then there was a Ford Focus, BUTTRZ. Perhaps a South Park fan, but I doubt it.

Saw SNWDNZ. Snow dunes?

Then there was REBYELI. Don't need that I. And a QWNTUM[heart]. Cut the heart.

Also caught a BULLETT. Sorry, but he's trying too hard. Maybe he could learn something from Mr. Cool--no need to spell it all out.


Blogger QueensGuy said...

NOX says Nitrogen Oxide to me. Maybe he's proud he pollutes?

Saw a Toyota Highlander today with BWDWN2ME

All I could think was "or else you'll behead me?"

11:48 AM, December 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw 2L82W8 today- seems to be saying "you must pay for my inefficiency"

12:11 PM, December 01, 2009  

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