Monday, January 04, 2010

Drink Deepak, Or Taste Not The Pierian Spring

He's a trained endocrinologist, but I've never been quite clear on just what Deepak Chopra does. I think I get it a bit more after reading about his talk at an Indian Astrology Conference:

The essential nature of the material world is not material; the essential nature of the physical world is not physical; the essential stuff of the universe is non-stuff [....]

Western science is still frozen in an obsolete, Newtonian worldview that is based literally on superstition -- and we can call it the superstition of materialism -- which says you and I are physical entities of the physical universe.

I'll admit Western science (or, as I like to call it, "science") is materialist, because it's too much trouble to keep noting that gravity might be suspended by magic at any moment.

Either the non-material interacts with the physical world or it doesn't. If it doesn't, then I'm not too concerned since it has no effect on us. But if it does, please show me how it manifests itself. Do something like demonstrate how it can improve endocrinology--and I'd like to see it in peer-reviewed, repeatable research. Or if endocrinology is too Western, then let's do some double-blind testing on astrology and see what results we get.

Chopra then goes on about the mystery of consciousness (which, because it's not fully understood, must be supernatural) in ways that sound a lot like third-rate Kant. I was waiting for the invocation of quantum physics, which, sure enough, shows up on schedule. Then he does the hat trick and notes all biological entities are connected to all others--you know, like in Avatar.

Perhaps Chopra is right. I have no idea. All I'm asking for is evidence. Or is that too material?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the question here is does Deepak Chopra exist?

10:09 AM, January 04, 2010  

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