Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hollywood Swinging

Big Hollywood news: Spider-Man 4, set for 2011, is kaput. Director Sam Raimi split "because he felt he couldn't make its summer release date and keep the film's creative integrity." The whole franchise will reboot and a new version will come out in 2012.

I'm sure Raimi cares a lot about his creative integrity, but I wonder if tossing him (and it) out for another go-round is such a bad thing. Here's my review of Spider-Man 3. They've got nowhere to go but up.


Anonymous Denver Guy said...

I'm fine with the change. I just ourchased Spiderman 3 two months ago, because I owned 1 and 2 and thought I should complete the trilogy. I had forgotten how truly poor Spidey 3 was (especially the second half). It will take me years to forget again before I was it again.

But in doing a "reboot", I hope they won't start with the origin story again. I think Spiderman 1 is about the best origin story I've seen in a superhero movie. And Spiderman 2 is in my top 5 of action films. Hopefully they will just pick up approximately where Spidey 3 (or 2) left off.

Also, even if they change the rest of the cast, they should keep the J. Jonah Jameson actor in place.

7:39 AM, January 12, 2010  

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