Monday, May 17, 2010

It Makes Me Mad, Man

Iron Man 2 features John Slattery (of Mad Men fame) playing Tony Stark's dead dad Howard Stark. He's only seen in old film clips he made when he was in charge of the company.

The film is allegedy from 1974, though I'd say the style (or parody of the style) is from the early 1960s. Does director Jon Favreau figure what's the difference? Certainly the difference between 1960 and 1970 is a big deal on Mad Men.

Worse, in one of the clips Slattery says he's "waiting on" something. Unless he was serving someone a drink, he'd have said "waiting for." It's a big budget film, get it right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he was ahead of his time.

its an anglicism - sole evidence is the Rolling Stones song though.

In Braveheart, the English commander (I think) in the middle of the Battle of Stirling Bridge (or maybe it was Falkirk)orders his sub-commanders to "Take out their archers."

Of course is this really so bad since the real life knight might actually have given his commands in French? Guess its the whole verisimilitude thing- the reason we accept movie Nazis speaking English with German accents.

12:07 PM, May 18, 2010  
Blogger LAGuy said...

By the time the Stones did it, it was the 1980s, and it was catching on (probably more in America than England). Before then, lower class and certain regional types might have said it, but Tony Stark's dad would never have used that locuation.

1:13 PM, May 18, 2010  

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