Friday, September 03, 2010


I've been keeping up with Entourage and Hung this season, though I'm not sure why.  I suppose Entourage out of habit and Hung because of the Detroit setting.

Entourage used to be fun but it's going nowhere this season.  The show runner says it's "darker," but all it seems to me is more boring.
Four of the five leads have girlfriends or wives who are little more than wet blankets, sucking the fun out of the activities.  They've had interesting female characters in the past, but this year each gal is more annoying than the next.

Plot-wise, the show has been spinning its wheels for a couple seasons now.  I'm glad it'll be over soon.  Maybe making a movie will concentrate their minds and spur them on to greater creativity.

At least Entourage used to be fun.  Hung has always been a thin premise that never went anywhere.  Everyone on the show is confused and unhappy and apparently incapable of approaching their problems rationally.  But it was nice to see a scene with leads Jane Adams and Thomas Jane (Thomas Jane Adams?) set on the site of old Tiger Stadium.  Anyway, that's what they said it was and I'll take their word for it.  I haven't seen the area since they tore the place down last year.  I'm surprised the characters were hanging out around Michigan and Turnbull.  I'm surprised the gate was open.  Still, pretty cool.

PS  HBO has renewed Hung for a third season.  Maybe it'll be the season they decide what the show is actually about.


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