Sunday, December 02, 2012

Trouble With The Film

I recently went to a sub-run cinema and saw Trouble With The Curve. (What did I think of it?  If you'll wait about a month, you can find out when I do my 2012 Film Wrap-Up.)

Anyway, a guy sat down in front of me just before the movie started.  Trouble With The Curve has some humorous moments but I wouldn't call it a comedy.  Yet this guy was literally shrieking with laughter through much of the film.  Every time even the slightest pleasantry was spoken on screen--and sometimes during dramatic moments--he howled.

Maybe he was high, or drunk, or just doesn't get out much.  I don't know.  But it certainly was distracting.  I didn't complain because that's what you get when you pay two bucks for a film.  Besides, the audience kind of enjoyed it. In addition to the movie, everyone was laughing at this guy (though he probably thought we were laughing at the movie but didn't get the jokes as quickly as he did).

For the last half hour he stopped laughing.  When the lights came on I could see he was asleep.  But I guarantee before he nodded off he'd gotten his two dollars' worth.

PS  In the film, Justin Timberlake asks Amy Adams some baseball trivia.  The point of the scene is to show she knows her stuff, but the first two questions he asks just about anyone into baseball can answer:

What was the last team to have four twenty game winners in one season?

What player was the MVP in both leagues?


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