Saturday, February 07, 2015

Hold On

I was recently at a local convenience store, waiting to make my purchase.  The clerk behind the counter was on the phone as he rang up my item.  The phone probably slowed us down a bit, but not much.

I get that standing behind a counter at some bodega is boring, and it must be nice to talk to friends to while away the hours.  But is it too much to ask for the cashier to give me his undivided attention for the twenty seconds it takes to transact business?

If you must use to phone, try to do it when no one's there.  Once a customer comes in, tell the other party you've got to go, and hang up. Or if the other person doesn't have a job, put the phone down and tell that person you'll talk again when you're free.

Next time, I'll talk about how disgusting licking your fingers are before giving me my change. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the clerk speaking a language you understand? I find its more annoying when you think they may be criticizing you.

But don't think about that.

I'm sure it almost never happens.


4:31 AM, February 07, 2015  

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