Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pearl, Alabaster, Egg Shell, Ivory, Salt, Linen, Bone, Cream, Cotton, Old Lace

I'd guess most Americans think the White House was always the White House, but, in fact, it was on this date in 1901 that it got the name.

George Washington himself selected the land where it would be built.  John Adams moved into it even before it was finished.  It was burned down during the War of 1812.  When it was rebuilt, President Monroe moved in.  There's a legend it was named the White House when it was repainted after that war, but if you read the paragraph above, you know that's not true.

New sections were added over time.  There were also some plans to build a new house for the Prez, but it never happened.  President Theodore Roosevelt, who renovated the structure, named it the White House.  Before then it was variously called the President's House, the Executive Mansion and, my favorite, the President's Palace.

The Vice President officially lives at Number One Observatory Circle on the northeast grounds of the Naval Observatory.  No one cares.


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