Monday, September 28, 2020

I Guarantee

I caught a lucky break today.  I got a call informing me I can extend the warranty on my car, which has run out. In case you're wondering, I drive a Taurus. I don't think they make them any more.

I've had this car for a while.  I believe the warranty ran out six years ago.  And I get a phone call at least once a month allowing me to send them money to extend the warranty.  Why are they so good to me?

It must be quite a racket, this warranty business.  Maybe some day I'll regret not taking them up on it.  But until then, can't they take a hint?


Anonymous Lawrence King said...

I get particularly annoyed when the email/snailmail/phone/text spammers say "This is your final notice", or "Last chance to accept this great offer."

Would that it were so.

7:33 PM, September 28, 2020  
Blogger brian said...

Is there any way to prank them? Will that make them go away? Keep them on the phone for a long time? Tell them about fictional people in your life. Ask about any personal problems they may have. Tell them you are lonely and so glad they called. They have another scam which must be pretty effective as two of my elders (an in law and my mom) got one of these. They call and call you grandma or grandpa. They got a wee bit drunk and are in jail in a far away place. They are to embarrassed to call mom and pop so could you send some money to get me out on bail. Both elders (i think offered a name, such as "is this Bob?) and of course it worked. YOu don't sound like bob was answered , well I got a little cut on my lip when the car hit another. Anyway they can keep it going for awhile trying to get the info. And I think the elders enjoyed thinking the kids would call them first. So I can see the appeal all around. Elder has fond memories perhaps of their youthful foibles, etc.

5:13 PM, September 29, 2020  

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