Thursday, September 11, 2008


A week ago, a lot of "smart" people were wondering when Sarah Palin would gracefully exit from the race. Now there are whispers that Joe Biden will drop out. After all, even he agrees he wasn't the best pick.

Of course, there's no chance he'll leave the ticket (and I don't think anyone seriously believes he will). Maybe Obama could have chosen better, but admitting he's wrong at this point would be a disaster.


Blogger VermontGuy said...

It's funny how things change during one election cycle. Two years ago, very few people even knew who Barack Obama was. Hillary Clinton was the prohibitive favorite to win the nomination, probably fighting it out against Rudy Giuliani.

A year ago, John McCain's campaign was out of money and his chances of winning the nomination were zero. Two weeks ago, very few people outside of Alaska had ever heard the name Sarah Palin. As LAGuy notes, the first reaction from many was to lay bets on how soon she'd step down. Now the "smart" money is saying Biden needs to resign.

What else is going to change before November 4th?

5:33 AM, September 11, 2008  
Blogger New England Guy said...

Don't give up on the "Palin needs to resign" charge yet. Though unlikely, an ethics report will soon be out from Ted Stevens-land. Who knows though she might get a bump from feuding with a shitty brother in law?

She's remaining entertaining (and not talking, just letting others talk about her- seems to be working) while the others have been around for ever and are stale old news while she seems fresh and new. Also she is appealing to a section of the electorate whose preferences were largely rejected in the primary process.

Too bad for the the Repubs that she wasn't unveiled even closer to the election as the spectre of Palin fatigue approaches.

7:34 AM, September 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Joe's lookin' a little sick. Obama would hate to let him go, but it's his health, you know?

If McCain has a sizeable lead in a week, what's wrong with putting Hillary on? Catastrophic collapse? Hard to do if you've already collapsed catestrophically.

5:02 PM, September 11, 2008  

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