Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vote Our Way, You Jerks

Here's an ad against California's parental notification law, Prop 85. Their slogan is "think outside your bubble." I have no idea if this works, but is it really a good strategy to insult the voters you're trying to bring aboard?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Planned Parenthood makes a lot of money providing abortions, and yet their political sponsorship is never portrayed as "greedy" the way that a drug company or tobacco company sponsorship would be.

Unlike abortion, it's currently required that a doctor tell parents before performing an appendectomy, or prescribing antidepressants. Suppose there were a ballot initiative to remove parental notification for antidepressants, paid for by the drug industry? It would be ridiculed in the newspapers and the Daily Show and Leno.

3:22 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Planned Parenthood a non-profit organization? It's hard to fault them for greed if they're not taking home any money. I guess you could argue that they make money that they then use for their other purposes, which might be "greedy" in some sense. But given what an ordeal it is to run an abortion clinic, it just doesn't seem reasonable that they are just doing it for the money. (If this is the case, why are there so few doctors that will participate? Mostly because it's a ticket to being protested against on a daily basis; having to fly in from out-of-town; and even having your homes and children harassed. Not to mention having your life threatened. This is not a profitable business for the faint-of-heart.)

6:57 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a tax lawyer. Legally, PPFA is granted non-profit status by the IRS. Financially, it makes millions of dollars.

If the tobacco companies are willing to play politics to earn taxed money, why wouldn't PPFA play politics to earn untaxed money?

Link to blog article

PPFA's annual report. Page 17 shows

Article on pro-life news site. $903 million in revenue, $847 in expenses. Subtraction reveals a balance of $54 million. I guess that's not legally "profit" because they will re-invest it. But isn't that what Texaco does with its profits too?

Congresswoman on youtube link asks why we are giving PP our tax money.

9:38 PM, October 28, 2008  

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