Saturday, November 08, 2008

Looking Back, Looking Down

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Senator Barack Obama recently made some statements about Abe Lincoln that have already been mocked over at Kausfiles. But there's still a bit more to say.

Obama notes "I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator. As a law professor and civil rights lawyer and as an African-American, I am fully aware of his limited views on race."

This is true. Back in the 1800s, people simply weren't the moral giants they are today. Thank goodness we finally know what's true and have no reason to feel humble about how people will view us in 150 years.

And what might Lincoln have thought of Obama's personal success? "I like to believe he would have appreciated the irony."

Let's see. Lincoln prosecuted an extremely bloody war that freed the slaves. More than a century later, a black man is elected Senator of his home state. I think Obama and I have some disagreement over what "irony" means.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem a fair reading of Obama's approach toward Lincoln to suggest he thinks we're much greater moral giants today just because he has some reservations about Lincoln's views of blacks. It seems to me that Obama has honored Lincoln many times -- e.g. declaring his candidacy in Springfield, etc. Lincoln was a human, not a deity, and his measured view regarding black equality are well-documented. Understanding that this moral giant did not reach perfection is actually a healthy thing. Also, understanding that Lincoln must be evaluated within the limitations of his time should help us (including Obama) to be more humble regarding how we will be viewed in the future, rather than the opposite.

6:07 PM, November 08, 2008  

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