Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Onward And Upward

Most recaps of the final episode of the "Villains" chapter of Heroes were not that positive, but I kind of liked it. I mean considering how ridiculous everything has been up to now, putting a tight lid on things (by trashing a lot of previous episodes) and moving forward gives me hope.

The whole Sylar trap wasn't great, but it least it concentrated the story and had some good moments. Peter versus Nathan is still pretty silly, but at least Arthur is dead and we can start fresh. Same for Mohinder--he's returned to his previous state. Perhaps he'll even act normally again.

One of the things I've liked about the show is it's an ADD Lost: we don't have to wait for payoffs. Last week (for no good reason) Hiro got stuck 16 years in the past. This week (for no good reason) Ando figured somehow he could inject himself with powers and that would save Hiro, and it happened. Sure, it was ridiculous, but they had a plan, they made it work, and things are back in place. (Peter did the same ridiculous deal, too. Only poor Hiro has no powers now, but that can be fixed. Speaking of which, did all those powers die with Arthur--assuming he's dead? And what of the Catalyst?)

Also, they killed off a lot of the secondary characters who were cluttering up the show. That's good. Now, with the "Fugitive" chapter starting, we can concentrate on a better dynamic of people with powers (good or bad) being hunted down by the government. Sure, it's stolen from X-Men, but it can return the show to its original concentration and have a more solid arc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least they gave up on copying Captain America after one episode.

1:21 PM, December 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiro tore the formula into two pieces, 16 years ago. Was that the same tear that the formula had at the beginning of this season?

I agree with your analysis, btw. But unless season four is a big step upward, I will be tempted to downgrade Heroes to the level of Smallville. Which is pretty bad.

2:13 PM, December 23, 2008  

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