Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Give It A Pass

I recently took a flight and was asked four times to show my boarding pass while going through security. Once I get, maybe twice to make sure, but four times? This isn't security, it's pointless redundancy.


Blogger QueensGuy said...

Bruce Schneier calls things like that "security theater," because it's intended to give you the impression that you're more secure, while not actually accomplishing anything toward that goal.

5:49 AM, January 07, 2009  
Blogger New England Guy said...

QG you stepped on my line and Bruce Schneier stole my phrase. It was phrase that went through my mind in the days after 9/11 as I waited in the street with the rest of the workers to get in to my nondescript high-rise while harried untrained security guards checked IDs and and briefcases, although I do recall my secretary remark that she was glad that "someone was keeping us safe." I didn't see it that way but didn't much point in arguing.

Luckily this security scheme (which admittedly was in the immediate aftermath when everyone was scared and jittery) was abandoned, to be replaced by a quintupling of security guards and costly new card access system (which we tenants all had to finance) and which, perhaps thankfully, made it hard to work after hours or on thee week-ends for a while. Of course all of these new security "improvements" were discontinued by the end of 2002. The rent from first floor retail was too important to threaten and people were a little calmer.

7:44 AM, January 07, 2009  

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