Sunday, September 06, 2009

Moving Van

I was thinking about posting on Van Jones, but it became obvious a few days ago he wouldn't be long for the Obama administration, so why not let it drop?

In general, I believe in giving the President the people he wants--they're there to represent him, and serve at his pleasure, so who cares if Congress doesn't like them? (The exception is when the President names someone to an office that will last longer than his Presidency.)

Anyway, as expected, Jones resigned. But he went down swinging. I assume he's not leaving voluntarily, and decided to give one slam before he left. This is from his statement:

On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.

I have no doubt he believes he's being treated unfairly, but if he's going to accuse his opponents of lies and distortions, could he be more specific? Or would any specific claims just lead back to all the ugly, crackpot things he's said and done for years?

PS Mickey Kaus has an interesting thought:

I've been waiting for the day when a prominent pol resigns and for print MSM readers it appears to be out-of-the-blue, though everyone on the Web knows the whole story. But for WaPo's Franke-Ruta and Kornblut, this would be that case. ... In any case, more evidence that you can't find out whats going on by reading the Times.


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