Thursday, August 19, 2010

And That's The Truth

Following yesterday's post on beliefs, and what's worth arguing about, comes this video someone sent me.  Some claim it's a parody, but this guy did a bunch of similar ones.  Besides, I'm usually good at catching how tone deaf people are when they make intentionally bad arguments designed to make something sound silly.

This is a guy who believes, as many religious people do, that he's got the one truth. Once you believe that, it's almost underststandable you'd think others shouldn't be allowed to spread lies and nonsense that will lead to disaster.

This, indeed, is a problem that the West (and elsewhere) has been dealing with for a while--how do you fit religion, which deals with absolute truth, inside a liberal society, that believes in tolerance and openness? 
Even in the best of times there's a tension. This guy's answer is that Democracy doesn't work, due to man's fallen state.  We need benevolent dictatorship.

Now I'm in favor of benevolent dictatorship if I get to be dictator. But the trouble with even the best dictatorship is I may some day find myself out of favor with its beliefs, and there'd be little I could do about it.

PS Apparently this guy got a lot of views from outsiders, because I just noticed a new video responding to them. Looks like a rush job, since it has improper word choice and misspelling. His new argument, or clarification if you prefer, echoes Bob Dylan--you've got to serve somebody, so who should it be?


Anonymous Lawrence King said...

He's definitely serious. I've come across his shows ("v-logs"?) before, and they are generally unimpressive. And the few good parts are unoriginal but uncredited, which always annoys me.

If you map all religious discourse on the World Wide Web on a one-dimensional spectrum from idiotic to brilliant, he's definitely above the 50th percentile. But that's not much of a compliment.

11:10 AM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Searching for the truth is good. Finding it is dangerous.

11:10 AM, August 19, 2010  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Unlike some of the big blogs, we don't get a ton of comments. So I believe this is the first time we ever received two comments at the same minute. I suppose we should celebrate.

12:01 PM, August 19, 2010  
Blogger New England Guy said...

Simultaneous comments. Wow. I thought it would be more exciting somehow

1:40 PM, August 19, 2010  

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