Thursday, August 17, 2017

Guilding The Silly

The Writers Guild has officially condemned President Trump.  Why?  Because he hasn't officially condemned white nationalists to their satisfaction (according to their interpretation of his statements).

The Guild is not a political group and, even though its members appear to be mostly Democrats, it shouldn't be taking sides in political issues not directly related to their profession.  If the individual members wish to make statements, they can.  And if they wish to write scripts that support these views, they can try that to.

But as an organization, taking this stand is little more than cheap moral grandstanding.  It's unfortunate that they believe they're doing something noble and brave, rather than cowardly. (Not that I'm saying they should take political stances that would be truly controversial, but at least that would require some guts.)

Now that they've spoken, there will be consequences.  Not any real life consequences (except getting patted on the back by each other), or they wouldn't have done it--I mean logical consequences.  From now on, we'll have to assume when they don't take a stance that they agree with whatever Trump does.

P.S.  In their rather pompous letter, they note Dante has a place in the Inferno for people who don't take sides.

1)  I don't think they want to take Dante seriously as a moral arbiter.  If they read The Divine Comedy, they'd find that very few people in Hollywood are going to escape the Inferno.

2)  The whole idea of forcing people to take a side is bullying.  On a lot of issues--most, actually--you're allowed to reserve opinion, or at least say it isn't worth making a big stink about.

3)  This is the second time this week I heard someone refer to Dante having a place in hell for people who don't take sides. (The other reference was from a conservative.) Dante did have a place for them, but it's just as you enter--it's actually ante-Hell.  The punishments are no picnic, but, if you follow the structure, this is the lightest of sins.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't see a downside to coming out against Nazi-coddling

3:57 AM, August 18, 2017  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Exactly, that's the cowardice and dishonesty I'm talking about.

11:11 AM, August 18, 2017  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Also, now (as I note) if they don't come out against other things, it'll appear they support them.

11:12 AM, August 18, 2017  
Blogger ColumbusGuy said...

Well, I, for one, just want to say I'm anti-Nazi and not racist. You better put your name on my list and give me a trophy, along with a large pension, or you're a hater.

4:53 AM, August 19, 2017  

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