Friday, September 04, 2020

Living Room Premiere

I used to go out on Fridays to see the latest film debut.  Now I get excited when something drops on TV.  And today is one of the big days of the year for that.

It's the premiere of the long-awaited second season of The Boys.  I'm not sure if season two will compare to the first, since, when we left the gang, their cover was blown.  Now that everyone knows about this crew of regular guys fighting corrupt superheroes, how can they get away with anything?  I'm sure the producers have a solution, but will we buy it? (It's odd how I worry about credibility in a world with superheroes.)

Alas, for bingeing fans, Amazon Prime is only releasing the first three of eight episodes, after which we'll get one per week up to the season finale of October 9.  Of course, it's probably for my own good.  It's like having a cake in the kitchen--don't eat it all at once, no matter how tempting it is.  But on a streaming service, shouldn't it be about my choice, my will power?

But that's not all.  Charlie Kaufman's new film, I'm Thinking Of Ending Things, makes its debut today on Netflix.  I don't know much about it, but I'm willing to take a chance with Kaufman.

Kaufman's the screenwriter who brought us Being John Malkovich, Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.  More recently he's been directing his own scripts, such as Synecdoche New York* and Anomalisa.

I'm not saying his films are always great, but they've always got interesting ideas, and stand out among all the cookie cutter work we're used to.

So don't call me this weekend.  I'll be busy.  Eating cake.

*The title is actually Synecdoche, New York, but I felt if I put in the comma, readers not familiar with the film would think it's two titles.


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