Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Aliens In America

Aliens In Amerca just premiered. It's a sitcom about a Muslim Pakistani exchange student who moves in with an average Midwestern American family. Somewhat charming, but I was less than impressed.

Critic David Bianculli loves it. He thinks it's subversive and writes it's "brave enough to take a lot of daring chances that pay off with big laughs." So what is this bravery, what are the chances the show takes?

Let's do an experiment. I've given you the premise, now how do you think they'll get the laughs? I'll wait a second........

That's right. The Muslim kid is very sweet and the Americans around him are full of bigotry. Whether or not he likes the show--and even if he sees America as the show presents it--Bianculli should at least recognize this for the cliche it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to believe that they will do at least one joke that picks on Muslims for their perceived (or actual) cultural backwardness etc., but then the rest of the show would likely be a strong counterpoint to that. Even this may be too much to ask.

5:55 AM, October 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will they go for a suicide bomber joke? At the Muslim character's expense? (Something like- "I'm in a hurry so I'll wear a bulky coat- it tends to clear the line at the grocery store") If they are willing to be that offensive to everyone- I'll give it a shot

7:35 AM, October 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy Barker PI had a similar thing where this really nice American Muslim who owned a kabob shop had to constantly be proving he wasn't a terrorist.

3:46 PM, October 02, 2007  

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