Look Ma, No Hands
The hands-free cell phone law for drivers just took effect in California. It doesn't matter to me since I don't talk on the phone in my car. But it makes me wonder just how far they might go to cut down on accidents. Anything that distracts you can cause trouble--eating, drinking, smoking, listening to the radio. Will we be fined for those things?
Also, will this new law make people more likely to text while driving?
How about reporting on bad drivers?
Despite the rhetoric, the "hands free" rule seems to be focused mostly on having both hands on the wheel (and I think it would apply to texting), not attention spans and drivers continue to have the right to be distracted by headsets, radio, CD/MP3s, eating, daydreams and sexual fantasies and human intercourse generally while driving.
They recently updated the New York law to also outlaw texting while driving. There were a few highly-publicized high speed teenager crashes that occurred while texting.
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