Thursday, September 11, 2008

School Choice?

Jim Lindgren at the Volokh Conspiracy defends Barack Obama on his choice to send his kids to private schools:

Personally, I compliment the Obamas for not using their children as political pawns to get elected or to reform society two children at a time. In my opinion, that makes the Obamas good parents.

He continues:

Second, one of the things I admired about Bill Clinton when he became President in 1993 is that he refused to give in to the pressure to send Chelsea to a mediocre public school, sending her instead to a good private one. A president might have to miss a lot of important events in his daughter’s life, but at least he needn’t use her as a political pawn to the detriment of her education.

I went to public schools in Rockford, Illinois until I went to Yale College. If the public schools are good, why not? If they are poor, then send your kids to a private school. If they are close in quality, I would lean toward public schools. (emphasis mine)

Boy, it's a good thing we have school vouchers so that everyone can send their kids to the best schools, right Jim?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should check out Megan McArdle, who's got a whole load of stuff on vouchers. As usual, if she even suggests there be any competition in education, a bunch of commenters go nuts.

3:35 PM, September 11, 2008  

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