It's The Old Army Game
Friday, June 23, 2006
Here's an argument you see every day--columnist Joan Vennochi wants a return of the draft. After all, not only would it take away the freedom of millions, but it would guarantee our military will be less effective. Who wouldn't want that?
The left has been cynically asking for conscription since the war on terror started in earnest. They want to make sure everyone has to pay (though, oddly, they don't believe this is a good idea when it comes to taxes).
When that strategy fails, they get even more cynical and claim the Republicans are going to bring back the draft. I can't tell you how many anti-Bush emails I got from friends before the last election saying he'd do this. I wrote back saying you got the wrong party--it's the Democrats who long for a draft.
It does fit with their strategy. They want to lose this war as soon as is practical. A draft would certainly help.
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