Saturday, November 07, 2009

Short Month

Grace Kelly is the star of the month at TCM. She made movies for maybe 5 years. After the tribute what are they gonna do the other 29 days?


Anonymous Lawrence King said...

Did they have different standards for actresses in those days? I've seen Rear Window and Dial M For Murder, and she's quite pretty, but her personality left no impression on me. (Whereas each of those movies had two or three male leads whom I recall from their mannerisms, attitude, etc.)

Or another comparison: The plot of Dial M For Murder is more clever than that of its remake A Perfect Murder, but the latter is a more satisfying movie, because Gwyneth Paltrow actually shows intelligence, initiative, and personality -- unlike Grace Kelly.

10:09 AM, November 07, 2009  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Interesting. Many people would say Grace Kelly was quite something. Certainly she was one of the most beautiful women ever on screen. And she also won an Oscar. Perhaps you're just used to the more "naturalistic" acting style today.

4:13 PM, November 07, 2009  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

That's probably it. Whenever I watch a pre-sixties movie, the non-naturalistic(?) acting jars me for the first half-minute, and then I settle in.

Even more jarring are the radio voices that announcers used before television. I'm not sure that Murrow ever really lost his radio voice after moving to TV, and even Cronkite had a bit of it. And of course, FDR had it. But these days nobody talks that way.

Also, I'm used to the modern way of doing close-ups / face shots in movies (sorry, I don't know the proper terms). Older movies tend to be much more like plays: they prefer wider shots. Or am I imagining this? In any event, without so many close-ups I probably don't relate to the actors/characters in quite the same way.

5:50 PM, November 07, 2009  
Blogger LAGuy said...

It depends which era you're referring to, and in some cases what directors, but, in general, there are more closeups today, more cuts today, and more moving shots today.

6:33 PM, November 07, 2009  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

I think baseball radio announcers are the last of the breed, Lawrence. I became convinced this summer when I couldn't stand Steve Phillips bashing my team and Joe Morgan spouting inanities, so used my DVR and blackberry to sync the Mets radio broadcast to the tv broadcast. It was amazing how much more I enjoyed the game with Wayne Hagen and Howie Rose doing the talking.

9:22 AM, November 09, 2009  

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