Sunday, February 07, 2010

live blogging the Super Bowl

If you DVR'ed the game for later viewing, skip this

-NFC wins the coin toss and has so 13 years in a row- 8100 to 1 odds. Are those the same odds as getting heads 13x in a row- both outcomes are 50-50 propositions on each toss.
-Tebow ad beats the hype and is funny. Oops- the other guys have figured out irony and the feminists look bad and did tons more publicity for the FotF message with all the complaining than the ad would have generated on its own.
-Dave and Jay and Oprah- good natured hate
-Everybody was picking an offensive shoot-out-figures its relatively low scoring at halftime. Think the Colts will win by 10 In the "football squares" game, If both teams score ends in a 5, I win. This seems mathematically improbable.
-Didn't Cincinnati use "Who dat" a few years ago? I remember the Steelers got criticized for mocking it. Did they steal if from NO?
-One Bud Light (the can house) was sorta funny but the rest and the Doritos slots seems stupid & obvious & mean.
-What is it fat guys in their underwear?
-Liked the Jim Nantz portable TV and Indian cell phone ads because they will offend.
-Is Pete T 70? Is Roger wearing a toup? Its not the Who without Keith Moon or Entwhistle. Who redid the lyrics to My Generation?( mix)- this whole performance shows what happens when you don't acheive your hopes.
-This half-time performance most reminds of Channel 2 Eyewitness News in Pgh's news theme music ("Won't Get Fooled Again" instrumental) This station also once used The Beatle'S "The End" (the drum solo).
-NO Onside kick to start the half- bold move- brilliant because they recovered- otherwise wouldve been very stupid
-Add Kgb to the offense list- another fat guy in his undies
-Third quarter starting to show more offense.
-I think in the Google ad, those French girl phrases will take you to porn sites
-4th Quarter- Saints appear to have the dreaded Momentum. even though they are still behind by 1. A 10 point Colt victory no longer seems terribly probable for math as well as competitive reasons- though either team seems like it could score on any given play so who knows what the final margin of victory might be.
-Saints just drove for mid 4th q TD. Discovered I also have NO4 Ind7 in the squares contest so a 2 point conversion by the Saints would win it for me. But no it fails. 2-7 square is in the lead. No wait- an exciting Instant Replay review is underway. Even if this helps me- I would rather have a quick final call than this mock CSI nonsense. Overturned, I'm the winner if the score holds
-Are there more network ads than usual? Is it a sluggish market so they have to fill the time without dropping the rates or do they really think all these CBS promos will build viewership?
-The Audi commercial doesn't work- it makes you hate green products not love their green product though "Green Police" is a catchy tune.
-Peyton threw an INT returned for a touchdown. Well if this holds, the Boston columnists who have been complaining about Manning being referred to as top QB at the expense of Mr. Bundchen (Tom Brady) will be crowing tomorrow morning.
-What happened to all of Joe Montana's money? He was pitching for an avocado brand earlier this week and now a late-night TV quality ad for "Shape-ups"
-Whaddayaknow- I have the NO 1, Ind 7 square too. I win something. Thank you and good night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peyton Manning showed he's the most overrated man in football. Put to the test, he wilted.

10:35 PM, February 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Who was by far the highlight of the show. I wish they'd had a two hour concert with a twenty minute game.

11:20 PM, February 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Who's performance has elicited somewhat divergent opinions. I love The Who but my appreciation was not advanced by the geriatrics on display last night (they weren't really bad, they just weren't that good or exciting)

For what its worth Steve Winwood was no great shakes in the pregame- think the SB needs find a happy medium between the ancient and the wardrobe-malfunctioning MTV brigade- how about somebody between 45-55? Elvis Costello?

7:51 AM, February 08, 2010  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

No love for the Betty White (Abe Vigoda) Snickers ad? Betty White may be gearing up for another comeback! She appeared (and was funny) on an episode of 30 Rock a few weeks ago too.

Bud commercials were fun, for the most part, but I think it is time to retire the "clydsdale has a friend" ads. This year didn't even make sense - did the Texas longhorn want to be pulling the wagon - or just get out of the pasture before being eaten?

I also loved the Brett Farve accepts MVP in 2020 ad (even though I can't remember what product he was pushing - so from an ad standpoint - bad ad).

And I have to assume NBC let Leno do an Ad for Letterman because they are trying to show Leno is a good sport (and recover his good-guy image?).

9:51 AM, February 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Brett Fav-re.

10:36 AM, February 08, 2010  

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